Announcing the 2019 John Philip Sousa National Honors Bands - New England Region to be held at The Bromfield School in Harvard, MA!

Welcome to the website of the John Philip Sousa National Honor Bands - New England Region! We are an Honors Band Program sponsored by the John Philip Sousa Foundation designed to promote wind band music for junior and senior high school band students in the six-state New England region of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut! Festivals have been held in 2002, 2004, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2016 and most recently, a Sousa National High School Honors Band in 2018.
Current news about this festival along with necessary forms and brochures will be included on this website. Please check back often for updates and newsflashes.
Rehearsals will take place at The Bromfield School in Harvard, MA (Note: This has been changed) on Thursday, April 18, 2019; Friday, April 19; and Saturday, April 20 with a concert in the afternoon of April 20, 2019 at Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA. The high school wind ensemble will be conducted by Mr. Jay Gephart, conductor of the Purdue University Band of West Lafayette, Indiana.The junior concert band conductor will be Mr. Jared Bloch of the University of Massachusetts - Amherst.
All eligible Sousa students in the 2016 Junior and Senior Honors Bands in Gorham, ME or in the recent 2018 Sousa National High School Honors Band in Boston who are in grades 7-12 during the 2018-19 school will be eligible for consideration to become members of this festival. Other outstanding junior high/middle and high school musicians from across New England who were not members of the 2016 Sousa Festival in Gorham will be considered for membership as well. If you would like to be considered for admission for this festival, please email Dr. Reynolds at [email protected] by January 31, 2019..
Exciting news about TICKETS: Starting APRIL 5, you may now order tickets for the CONCERT on SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 2019 at 1:00pm DIRECTLY from Mechanics Hall ! They may be ordered:
a. Online at the following website: Click the BLUE BUTTON that says “Purchase Tickets”. Please follow the instructions and you’ll have them ordered.
b. By phone at the Mechanics Hall Box Office: (508) 752-0888.
The blue concert tickets that you have already ordered and received if you sent a self-addressed, stamped envelope will be honored the same way. What makes this different is now with online ordering, you may print your ticket in advance and with telephone and online ordering, you may pay for your tickets with a credit card.
The schedule for the 2019 Sousa Honors Bands may now be found under the third Tab entitled "2019 Festival Registration". From the drop down menu, select "Forms and Additional Information" and then select "Festival Handbook". Please note that on 3/23/2019, this was updated with a change to the Friday evening ending time and Saturday morning schedule. Please note the schedule as it now exists on the website. Music was mailed on Monday, March 18, 2019. Acceptances have been emailed to all students. However, we are still accepting registrations for some instruments for this April, 2019 honors band program. The Student Agreement Contract, Medical Form, Ticket and T-Shirt Order Forms have been sent out with copies on this website. As more details are developed, they will appear on this website. (updated 4/5/2019)
For more information on upcoming events, like us on Facebook or e-mail us at S[email protected].
Current news about this festival along with necessary forms and brochures will be included on this website. Please check back often for updates and newsflashes.
Rehearsals will take place at The Bromfield School in Harvard, MA (Note: This has been changed) on Thursday, April 18, 2019; Friday, April 19; and Saturday, April 20 with a concert in the afternoon of April 20, 2019 at Mechanics Hall, Worcester, MA. The high school wind ensemble will be conducted by Mr. Jay Gephart, conductor of the Purdue University Band of West Lafayette, Indiana.The junior concert band conductor will be Mr. Jared Bloch of the University of Massachusetts - Amherst.
All eligible Sousa students in the 2016 Junior and Senior Honors Bands in Gorham, ME or in the recent 2018 Sousa National High School Honors Band in Boston who are in grades 7-12 during the 2018-19 school will be eligible for consideration to become members of this festival. Other outstanding junior high/middle and high school musicians from across New England who were not members of the 2016 Sousa Festival in Gorham will be considered for membership as well. If you would like to be considered for admission for this festival, please email Dr. Reynolds at [email protected] by January 31, 2019..
Exciting news about TICKETS: Starting APRIL 5, you may now order tickets for the CONCERT on SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 2019 at 1:00pm DIRECTLY from Mechanics Hall ! They may be ordered:
a. Online at the following website: Click the BLUE BUTTON that says “Purchase Tickets”. Please follow the instructions and you’ll have them ordered.
b. By phone at the Mechanics Hall Box Office: (508) 752-0888.
The blue concert tickets that you have already ordered and received if you sent a self-addressed, stamped envelope will be honored the same way. What makes this different is now with online ordering, you may print your ticket in advance and with telephone and online ordering, you may pay for your tickets with a credit card.
The schedule for the 2019 Sousa Honors Bands may now be found under the third Tab entitled "2019 Festival Registration". From the drop down menu, select "Forms and Additional Information" and then select "Festival Handbook". Please note that on 3/23/2019, this was updated with a change to the Friday evening ending time and Saturday morning schedule. Please note the schedule as it now exists on the website. Music was mailed on Monday, March 18, 2019. Acceptances have been emailed to all students. However, we are still accepting registrations for some instruments for this April, 2019 honors band program. The Student Agreement Contract, Medical Form, Ticket and T-Shirt Order Forms have been sent out with copies on this website. As more details are developed, they will appear on this website. (updated 4/5/2019)
For more information on upcoming events, like us on Facebook or e-mail us at S[email protected].